Mungo Williams currently has one of the best pass rates in London for DVSA motorcycle instructors. 92% for the first test and 88% for module 2.*
* the figures come from an annual pass rate of clients who have progressed from CBT through to the 5 day DAS course.
“We believe with passion in driving the standards of motorcycle riding education up. We believe motorcycle riding is a risky activity that can be made safe with sound training and developing skills for life.”
Mungo began riding motorbikes at 8 years old on his family’s farm in Scotland and the passion for riding continues to grow.
From motocross to road trips
From an off-road motocross and enduro background in his teens, he began road tripping by motorcycle after university. He is lucky to count Outer Mongolia, South America, Scandinavia, India, Western and Eastern Europe, Pakistan, Nepal, Vietnam, Morocco, Tibet, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Africa in his motorbike travel memories.
Amnesty International and Riders 4 Rights
After working as a lobbyist at Amnesty International UK for 5 years, in 2002 Mungo decided to devote his time to teaching his two main passions: motorcycling and scuba diving.
For ten years he directed Riders 4 Rights a charitable motorcycle adventure group riding the classic routes of the Dakar Rally in Northern Africa raising over £100,000 for Riders For Health.
He also speaks 8 languages to a level good enough for giving instruction. He speaks French, German, Polish, Lithuanian, Bulgarian, Urdu, Swahili, Italian and Portuguese.